German Seafarers Mission in the United Kingdom

Deutsche Seemannsmission UK

The German Seafarers Mission in the United Kingdom (in German Deutsche Seemannsmission UK) is linked to the globally operating charity from German Deutsche Seemannsmission e.V. (in English German Seafarers´ Mission).

The German Seafarers Mission is the organization from Germany with the mission to offer support for seafarers from all over the world globally.

We take care of the wellbeing of seafarers who have often difficult working conditions and work hard. At the same time, seafarers are the ones who transport the goods we need every day.

In Great Britain since the 1850s

The German Seafarers’ Mission has been carrying out its work in Great Britain since the 1850s. The ministry of the Seafarers’ Mission has been supported by German-speaking congregations in England and Scotland. The German Seafarers’ Mission is closely linked to the Protestant Church in Germany (Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland, EKD). The German Seafarers’ Mission in the United Kingdom is a faith based organization open for seafarers from all religions. Its denominational background is the faith of German-speaking Lutheran, Reformed and United Congregations and it is linked to the Synod of german speaking protestant Churches in the UK.

“Support of seafarers’ dignity” is our motto.

Why we are there for seafarers

Around 1.8 million seafarers work on approximately 74,000 merchant vessels. Around 90% of global trade is transported by sea. Seafarers from all over the world provide us all with what we need every day. They live and work on board the ships for months at a time. Living and working on board means that many things are not possible for them that are quite easy to do for us on land. That is why we provide practical help, take care of them, offer opportunities for conversations and pastoral care – and we stand up for the rights of the people of the sea.

We serve seafarers irrespective of nationality, ethnic origin, colour, sex, religion, political opinion or social origin, and irrespective of the flag State of the ship on which they are employed.

The German Seafarers’ Mission in the United Kingdom cares for seafarers’ physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. We empower seafarers by providing:

  • pastoral care and spiritual support,
  • visits to seafarers on board, listening to them and offering advice, general and maritime
  • communication,
  • crisis intervention after stressful incidents

The German Seafarers´ Mission is a globally operating charity, founded in 1886 and is represented with 33 facilities in 16 countries and almost all ports in Germany.

The German Seafarers‘ Mission UK will be a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organization). With the CIO the Deutsche Seemannsmission will be able again to send German port chaplains to the UK.
Further Info will be added here soon.

Official Address:

German Seafarers’ Mission in the United Kingdom
(Deutsche Seemannsmission UK)
Office 2073
182-184 High Street
North East Ham
E6 2JA

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